What Does Microneedling Do for You?

Microneedling has been around since about 1995, but it has become more popular and common in the past few years. While you may have heard about celebrities or social media influencers getting microneedling done, you may not know exactly what it is or how it helps your skin. When performed correctly by a trained medical aesthetician, microneedling can transform skin damaged by acne scarring and smooth age related facial and neck lines. Our office only uses SkinPen by Crown Aesthetics.  SkinPen is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device on the market and is clinically proven to improve the appearance of fine wrinkles and acne scars.  In this article we will introduce you to microneedling at our office and the many benefits of this simple non invasive procedure 

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling creates thousands of microchannels that stimulate your body’s natural wound healing process, while minimizing cellular damage. This rejuvenates your skin from the inside out. The result is effective remodeling of scar tissue, while keeping the overall structure of the skin intact.

Through the thousands of tiny punctures - microneedling stimulates the inflammatory process and triggers your immune system to cleanse the wound, increase blood flow and begin creating new tissue.  The tiny wounds created by the SkinPen granulate and create new healthy cells and in turn a new blood vessel framework.  From this wound healing process new tissue develops and forms a new dermal matrix. This procedure should only be performed by a trained medical professional. 

What Are the Benefits of Microneedling? 

Microneedling encourages your body to produce new tissue through the wound repair process.  The benefits of microneedling are numerous:

  • Sun damage

  • Dark spots or patches of hyperpigmentation

  • Stretch marks

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Acne Scars

  • Surgical Scars (excellent treatment post abdominoplasty)

  • Large pores

  • Reduced skin elasticity

  • Rosacea

  • Acne

  • Thinning or balding hair

One of the biggest benefits of microneedling is that it comes with fewer potential side effects than other procedures like laser skin treatments or harsh chemical peels. It also comes with a shorter downtime for recovery. 

Additionally, microneedling can help improve the effectiveness of topical products. After the microneedling procedure, your skin is more receptive to topical treatments like serums, creams, moisturizers, and anti-aging treatments. 

What Is Involved in the Microneedling Procedure? 

Microneedling is a nonsurgical procedure that generally has little to no downtime with the entire process usually taking an hour.  You should arrive the day of your appointment with clean skin however the aesthetician will also cleanse your skin thoroughly to remove any residual makeup or debris.  She will then apply a topical numbing cream to minimize discomfort around the more sensitive areas of the face or neck.  Using the SkinPen and a sterile tip she will begin the procedure, generally the entire process should take about an hour.  At the conclusion of your session she will apply a soothing serum and provide you with your personalized follow up instructions.  Upon checkout you will then set up your next treatment.  In most cases, Dr. Lober recommends 3 - 4 treatments spaced 30 days apart for optimal results.

What You Should Expect After Microneedling

The downtime for a microneedling procedure is almost zero, therefore it is ideal for a busy schedule.  During the first 12 to 24 hours, your skin will be more sensitive and may be flushed or bright red. Always follow the clear instructions provided by our aesthetician.

Because microneedling is intended to provide an inflammatory response, you should avoid taking ibuprofen products like Advil or Motrin as they are anti-inflammatory medicines and would interrupt the process. Avoid trying to cover any redness or irritation with makeup. Makeup will only block your pores and can even get into the tiny punctures in your skin which can cause breakouts. 

Other side effects may include bumps, breakouts, and dry, flaky skin. Because your skin is more sensitive after the procedure, use only products recommended by your aesthetician. 

Schedule Your Microneedling Appointment with Stephen Lober

If you would like to know more about what microneedling can do for you, call Dr. Stephen Lober today. We can help you learn more about how microneedling and other procedures to help you achieve your goals.

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