Mommy Makeover
Abdominal Procedures


Again, women with high elastin contents in their skin and connective tissues can often rebound back to their pre-pregnancy forms with simply an excess of lower abdominal fat remaining. In this instance, Liposuction alone may be all that is needed to remove the diet-resistant fat that is not going away, even with adequate diet and exercise.

Mini Tummy Tuck

Women who experience accumulation of lower abdominal fat along with some lower abdominal skin laxity may be good candidates for a MINI ABDOMINOPLASTY. In this instance, the excess skin and the excess fat can be directly excised to re-establish a more pleasing abdominal contour.

Full Tummy Tuck

Finally, women who experience a generalized stretching of the abdominal skin, significant accumulation of hormonal fat, and separation (diastasis) of the paired rectus muscles more than likely will require a FULL ABDOMINOPLASTY (see Figure 1b) to fully restore the aesthetics of the abdomen. Excess skin and fat will be directly removed, and the separated rectus muscles will be tightened back together in the midline. The end result will be a tightening and flattening of the abdomen as a whole.

Figure 1b.


  1. Excision of excess skin

  2. Excision of hormonal/diet-resistant fat

  3. Repair of muscular separation